Beginner’s Coding Club

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Are you interested in learning how to code, but don’t know where to start? Are you a beginner looking to dive into the world of computer programming? Or, you have taken coding classes but feels that you are losing competence for lack of practice. Look no further than our beginner’s coding club!


Our coding club is designed to provide a fun and engaging environment for anyone interested in learning how to code. Whether you are a complete beginner or have some experience with coding, our club welcomes all skill levels. Not only will you learn valuable coding skills, but you’ll also have the opportunity to collaborate with others and work on group projects. Our club fosters a sense of community and encourages teamwork, which will help you build your coding skills even faster.


This website was created by a novice(me) from scratch in one week using WordPress. You too can pick up this skill. Learning how to build a website is a valuable skill in today’s digital age, and our club provides the perfect opportunity to do so.


Raspberry Pi Micro-controller
Arduino Platform

Beside building websites, we will have groups focused on other technologies like data analytics, robotics, home automation, etc. You’ll learn how to write code, solve problems, and build projects from scratch. From the basics of coding, starting with the fundamentals of programming languages like Python, Java, and HTML, we hope to form groups with special competence in the various skills including PCB design and fabrication. We will be looking for real life problems within the community that can be solve with technology and apply our knowledge and skills meaningfully solve them.


Joining our coding club is an investment in your future. As technology continues to advance, coding skills are becoming more and more valuable in the job market. Whether you’re interested in pursuing a career in software development or just want to learn a new skill, our club will provide you with a strong foundation in coding.


Join the Beginner’s Coding Club.


Don’t let fear or uncertainty hold you back from learning how to code. Join our beginner’s coding club and discover the limitless possibilities of computer programming! Membership is open to all residents of Khatib Vale regardless of age.


By joining our club, you’ll have access to a supportive community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about coding and technology. You’ll have the opportunity to collaborate on group projects, share knowledge and resources, and receive feedback and support from your peers. Drop us a comment.
