City in Nature

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Did you know that this year marks the 60th anniversary of Singapore’s tree-planting campaign? It all began in June 1963 when our first Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kwan Yew, planted a mempat tree in Farrer Circus. Despite the myriad of pressing issues faced by a newly-formed nation such as housing, job creation, racial tension, and communist insurgency, the government showed foresight by maintaining and building on its green journey.
First establishing a reputation as a Garden City and then as a City in a Garden,, Singapore is now striving to become a City in Nature. This transformation is a crucial aspect of the Singapore Green Plan 2030, with the National Parks Board (NParks) leading the way to promote sustainable development across the nation. However, community support is essential for the success of this initiative, and our Gardening Club intends to contribute to this movement.
Join us in our efforts to restore nature to our neighborhoods and help make Singapore a City in Nature by 2030.